SeqAn3 3.3.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
No Matches
seqan3::detail Namespace Reference

The internal SeqAn3 namespace. More...


struct  access_restrictor_fn
 A functor that always throws when calling operator() (needed for the alignment "dummy" sequence). More...
class  adaptor_base
 CRTP-base to simplify the definition of range adaptor closure objects and similar types. More...
class  adaptor_for_view_without_args
 Template for range adaptor closure objects that store no arguments and always delegate to the view constructor. More...
class  adaptor_from_functor
 Template for range adaptor closure objects that store arguments and wrap a proto-adaptor. More...
class  advanceable_alignment_coordinate
 Implements an internal alignment coordinate that can be used as an argument to the std::ranges::iota_view. More...
class  affine_cell_proxy
 A proxy for an affine score matrix cell. More...
class  affine_gap_init_policy
 The CRTP-policy that implements the initialisation of the dynamic programming matrix with affine gaps. More...
class  affine_gap_policy
 The CRTP-policy that computes a single cell in the alignment matrix. More...
class  algorithm_executor_blocking
 A blocking algorithm executor for algorithms. More...
struct  align_result_selector
 Helper metafunction to select the alignment result type based on the configuration. More...
class  aligned_sequence_builder
 Builds the alignment for a given pair of sequences and the respective trace. More...
class  alignment_algorithm
 The alignment algorithm type to compute standard pairwise alignment using dynamic programming. More...
struct  alignment_algorithm_state
 Local state for the standard alignment algorithm. More...
struct  alignment_configuration_traits
 A traits type for the alignment algorithm that exposes static information stored within the alignment configuration object. More...
struct  alignment_configurator
 Configures the alignment algorithm given the sequences and the configuration object. More...
struct  alignment_contract
 Provides several contracts to test when configuring the alignment algorithm. More...
struct  alignment_function_traits
 A traits class to provide a uniform access to the properties of the wrapped alignment algorithm. More...
class  alignment_matrix_column_major_range_base
 Provides a range interface for alignment matrices. More...
class  alignment_matrix_policy
 Manages the alignment and score matrix. More...
struct  alignment_optimum
 Stores the current optimum of the alignment algorithm. More...
struct  alignment_result_value_type
 A struct that contains the actual alignment result data. More...
struct  alignment_result_value_type_accessor< alignment_result< result_value_t > >
 Transformation trait to access the hidden result value type of the seqan3::alignment_result class. More...
class  alignment_score_matrix_one_column
 An alignment score matrix storing only a single column for the computation. More...
class  alignment_score_matrix_one_column_banded
 A banded alignment score matrix storing only a single banded column for the computation. More...
struct  alignment_score_matrix_one_column_base
 A base class for alignment score matrices using only one column to compute the matrix. More...
struct  alignment_score_matrix_proxy
 A proxy type for a unified access to the score matrix during alignment computation. More...
struct  alignment_trace_matrix_base
 A crtp-base class for alignment traceback matrices. More...
class  alignment_trace_matrix_full
 An alignment traceback matrix storing the entire traceback matrix. More...
class  alignment_trace_matrix_full_banded
 An alignment traceback matrix storing the entire banded traceback matrix. More...
struct  alignment_trace_matrix_proxy
 A proxy type for a unified access to the traceback matrix during alignment computation. More...
class  all_fn
 The functor for seqan3::detail::all. More...
struct  assignable_from
 'Callable' helper class that is invokable by meta::invoke.Returns a std::true_type if the type is assignable from T. More...
struct  async_input_buffer_fn
 Definition of the range adaptor object type for seqan3::views::async_input_buffer. More...
class  async_input_buffer_view
 The type returned by seqan3::views::async_input_buffer. More...
class  basic_iterator
 Forward declaration. More...
class  basic_iterator< single_pass_input_view< view_type > >
 An input_iterator over the associated range. More...
struct  bgzf_compression
 A tag signifying a bgzf compressed file. More...
struct  builtin_simd
 A class that holds the type of a simd implementation called [vector extension] ( (formerly known as "seqan simd" in seqan2). More...
struct  builtin_simd< scalar_t, length >
 A class that holds the type of a simd implementation called [vector extension] ( (formerly known as "seqan simd" in seqan2). More...
struct  builtin_simd_traits_helper
 Helper struct for seqan3::detail::is_builtin_simd. More...
struct  builtin_simd_traits_helper< builtin_simd_t >
 Helper struct for seqan3::detail::is_builtin_simd. More...
struct  bz2_compression
 A tag signifying a bz2 compressed file. More...
struct  char_predicate_base
 An abstract CRTP base class for parse conditions to add logical disjunction and negation operator. More...
struct  char_predicate_disjunction
 Logical disjunction operator for parse conditions. More...
struct  char_predicate_negator
 Logical not operator for a parse condition. More...
struct  chunk_fn
 views::chunk's range adaptor object type (non-closure). More...
class  chunk_view
 The type returned by seqan3::views::chunk. More...
struct  chunked_indexed_sequence_pairs
 A transformation trait to retrieve the chunked range over indexed sequence pairs. More...
struct  column_index_type
 A strong type for designated initialisation of the column index of a matrix. More...
class  combined_adaptor
 Template for range adaptor closure objects that consist of two other range adaptor closure objects. More...
class  combined_score_and_trace_matrix
 An alignment matrix that combines a score matrix with a trace matrix into a common interface. More...
class  constexpr_pseudo_bitset
 A data structure that implements a subset of std::bitset as constexpr. More...
struct  constructible_from
 'Callable' helper class that is invokable by meta::invoke.Returns a std::true_type if the type is constructable from T. More...
class  coordinate_matrix
 A matrix over coordinates. More...
class  copyable_wrapper
 Utility wrapper that behaves like std::optional but makes the type conform with the std::copyable concept. More...
class  copyable_wrapper< t >
 Utility wrapper that behaves like std::optional but makes the type conform with the std::copyable concept. More...
class  counted_simd_iterator
 Implements a special version of a counted iterator over a simd vector. More...
struct  customisation_point_object
 A CRTP base-class that defines a customisation_point_object (CPO). More...
class  debug_matrix
 A debug matrix to wrap alignment matrices and sequences and make them printable together. More...
class  debug_mode
 A global configuration type used to enabled debugging of algorithms. More...
struct  default_edit_distance_trait_type
 The default traits type for the edit distance algorithm. More...
struct  default_validator
 Validator that always returns true. More...
struct  deferred_crtp_base
 An invocable wrapper that defers the instantiation of a crtp_base class. More...
struct  deferred_crtp_base_vargs
 An invocable wrapper that defers the instantiation of a crtp_base class. More...
struct  deferred_type
 Return the type identity; further arguments are ignored, but can make this type dependent if they are. More...
class  edit_distance_algorithm
 This algorithm unifies different edit distance implementations and uses the appropriate one depending on the given configuration. More...
class  edit_distance_score_matrix_full
 The underlying data structure of seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded that represents the score matrix. More...
class  edit_distance_trace_matrix_full
 The underlying data structure of seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded that represents the trace matrix. More...
class  edit_distance_unbanded
 This calculates an alignment using the edit distance and without a band. More...
class  edit_distance_unbanded_global_policy
 Only available when default_edit_distance_trait_type::is_global is true. More...
class  edit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy
 Only available when default_edit_distance_trait_type::use_max_errors is true. More...
class  edit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy
 Only available when default_edit_distance_trait_type::compute_score_matrix is true. More...
class  edit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy
 Only available when default_edit_distance_trait_type::is_semi_global is true. More...
class  edit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy
 Only available when default_edit_distance_trait_type::compute_trace_matrix is true. More...
struct  empty_state
 Store no state for state_t. More...
struct  empty_type
 An empty class type used in meta programming. More...
class  execution_handler_parallel
 Handles the parallel execution of algorithms. More...
struct  execution_handler_sequential
 Handles the sequential execution of algorithms. More...
class  fast_istreambuf_iterator
 Functionally the same as std::istreambuf_iterator, but faster. More...
class  fast_ostreambuf_iterator
 Functionally the same as std::ostreambuf_iterator, but offers writing a range more efficiently. More...
class  find_optimum_policy
 The CRTP-policy to determine the optimum of the dynamic programming matrix. More...
struct  fm_index_cursor_node
 Internal representation of the node of an FM index cursor. More...
struct  fm_index_validator
 Class used to validate the requirements on the input text of the fm_index. More...
class  format_base
 The format that contains all helper functions needed in all formats. More...
class  format_copyright
 The format that prints the copyright information to std::cout. More...
class  format_help
 The format that prints the help page to std::cout. More...
class  format_help_base
 The format that contains all helper functions needed in all formats for printing the interface description of the application (to std::cout). More...
class  format_html
 The format that prints the help page as html to std::cout. More...
class  format_man
 The format that prints the help page information formatted for a man page to std::cout. More...
class  format_parse
 The format that organizes the actual parsing of command line arguments. More...
class  format_sam_base
 The alignment base format. More...
class  format_short_help
 The format that prints a short help message to std::cout. More...
class  format_version
 The format that prints the version to std::cout. More...
struct  gz_compression
 A tag signifying a gz compressed file. More...
class  ignore_output_iterator
 An output iterator that emulates writing to a null-stream in order to dispose the output. More...
struct  implicitly_convertible_from
 'Callable' helper class that is invokable by meta::invoke.Returns a std::true_type if the T is implicitly convertible to type. More...
class  in_file_iterator
 Input iterator necessary for providing a range-like interface in input file. More...
class  inherited_iterator_base
 A CRTP base template for creating iterators that inherit from other iterators. More...
struct  instantiate
 A transformation trait that instantiates seqan3::lazy types. Base template is the identity transformation. More...
struct  instantiate< lazy< template_t, spec_t... > >
 A transformation trait that instantiates seqan3::lazy types. More...
struct  instantiate_if
 A transformation trait that instantiates seqan3::lazy types given a boolean condition. Base template is std::false_type. More...
struct  instantiate_if< lazy< template_t, spec_t... >, true >
 A transformation trait that instantiates seqan3::lazy types given a boolean condition. If condition is true and parameter is lazy, the instantiated type. More...
struct  instantiate_if< t, true >
 A transformation trait that instantiates seqan3::lazy types given a boolean condition. If condition is true and parameter is not lazy, the type identity. More...
struct  interleave_fn
 views::interleave's range adaptor object type (non-closure). More...
class  iota_simd_view
 The simd iota view. More...
struct  iota_simd_view_fn
 The view adaptor returning the seqan3::detail::iota_simd_view. More...
struct  is_builtin_simd
 This class inherits from std::true_type, iff seqan3::detail::builtin_simd<scalar_t, length>::type is a builtin simd type. More...
struct  is_char_type
 Parse condition that checks if a given value is equal to char_v. More...
struct  is_class_template_declarable_with
 An unary type trait that tests whether a template class can be declared with the given template type parameters. More...
struct  is_derived_from_record
 Helper struct to implement seqan3::detail::record_like. More...
struct  is_in_interval_type
 Parse condition that checks if a given value is in the range of rng_beg and interval_last. More...
struct  is_native_builtin_simd
 This class inherits from std::true_type, iff the builtin simd type is supported by the current architecture. More...
struct  is_same_configuration_f
 Helper meta function to check if a template type is contained in a seqan3::configuration. More...
struct  is_type_specialisation_of
 Determines whether a source_type is a specialisation of another template. More...
struct  is_type_specialisation_of< source_t, target_template >
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
struct  is_value_specialisation_of< source_t, target_template >
 Determines whether a source_type is a specialisation of another template. More...
struct  istreambuf_fn
 View adaptor/factory definition for views::istream. More...
struct  iter_pointer
 This is like std::iter_value_t, but for the pointer type. More...
struct  kmer_hash_fn
 views::kmer_hash's range adaptor object type (non-closure). More...
class  kmer_hash_view
 The type returned by seqan3::views::kmer_hash. More...
class  latch
 A single-use synchronisation point to coordinate concurrent threads. More...
struct  lazy
 An empty type whose only purpose is to hold an uninstantiated template plus its arguments. More...
struct  lazy_conditional
 Behaves like std::conditional, but instantiates types wrapped in seqan3::lazy. More...
struct  make_aligned_sequence_type
 A transformation trait that returns the correct aligned sequence type for a given sequence type. More...
struct  make_pairwise_alignment_type
 A transformation trait that returns the correct pairwise alignment type for two given sequence types. More...
interface  matrix
 Defines the requirements of a matrix (e.g. score matrices, trace matrices). More...
struct  matrix_index
 A representation of a location or offset within a two-dimensional matrix. More...
struct  max_score_banded_updater
 A function object that compares and possibly updates the alignment optimum with the current cell. More...
struct  max_score_updater
 A function object that compares and possibly updates the alignment optimum with the current cell. More...
struct  max_score_updater_simd_global
 Function object that compares and updates the alignment optimum for the vectorised global alignment algorithm. More...
struct  maybe_inherited_iterator_category
 This handles more cases than maybe_iterator_category if you inherit the underling_iterator_t. More...
struct  maybe_iterator_category
 Defines iterator_category member if underlying_iterator_t has a valid std::iterator_traits::iterator_category overload. More...
struct  minimiser_fn
 seqan3::views::minimiser's range adaptor object type (non-closure). More...
struct  minimiser_hash_fn
 seqan3::views::minimiser_hash's range adaptor object type (non-closure). More...
class  minimiser_view
 The type returned by seqan3::views::minimiser. More...
struct  multi_invocable
 A type that can conveniently inherit multiple invocables and acts as a union over them. More...
class  non_propagating_cache
 A helper that enables an input view to temporarily cache values as it is iterated over. More...
struct  number_cols
 Strong type for setting the column dimension of a matrix. More...
struct  number_rows
 Strong type for setting the row dimension of a matrix. More...
class  out_file_iterator
 Output iterator necessary for providing a range-like interface in output file. More...
class  owning_view
 A move-only view that takes unique ownership of a range. More...
class  pairwise_alignment_algorithm
 The alignment algorithm type to compute standard pairwise alignment using dynamic programming. More...
class  pairwise_alignment_algorithm_banded
 The alignment algorithm type to compute the banded standard pairwise alignment using dynamic programming. More...
class  pairwise_combine_view
 Generates all pairwise combinations of the elements in the underlying range. More...
class  parallel_mode
 A global configuration type used to enable parallel execution of algorithms. More...
class  policy_affine_gap_recursion
 Implements the alignment recursion function for the alignment algorithm using affine gap costs. More...
class  policy_affine_gap_recursion_banded
 Implements the alignment recursion function for the banded alignment algorithm using affine gap costs. More...
class  policy_affine_gap_with_trace_recursion
 Implements the alignment recursion function for the alignment algorithm using affine gap costs with trace information. More...
class  policy_affine_gap_with_trace_recursion_banded
 Implements the alignment recursion function for the banded alignment algorithm using affine gap costs with trace information. More...
class  policy_alignment_matrix
 A policy that provides a common interface to acquire the correct alignment matrices. More...
class  policy_alignment_result_builder
 Implements the alignment result builder. More...
struct  policy_max_error
 Provides the function max_error_counts if inherited by a search algorithm. More...
class  policy_optimum_tracker
 Implements the tracker to store the global optimum for a particular alignment computation. More...
class  policy_optimum_tracker_simd
 Implements the tracker to store the global optimum for a particular alignment computation. More...
class  policy_scoring_scheme
 Stores the configured scoring scheme used for this algorithm. More...
struct  policy_search_result_builder
 Provides the function make_results if inherited by a search algorithm. More...
struct  priority_tag
 A tag that allows controlled overload resolution via implicit base conversion rules. More...
struct  priority_tag< 0 >
 Recursion anchor for seqan3::detail::priority_tag. More...
class  proxy_reference
 The same as value_t & but it is default constructible and is re-assignable. More...
struct  pseudo_random_access_fn
 View adaptor definition for seqan3::views::enforce_random_access. More...
class  random_access_iterator
 A generic random access iterator that delegates most operations to the range. More...
class  random_access_iterator_base
 A CRTP base template for creating random access iterators. More...
struct  reader_count
 A strong type to set the reader count of a seqan3::detail::reader_writer_manager. More...
class  reader_writer_manager
 A single-use synchronisation point for closable concurrent data structures. More...
struct  recursive_required_types
 Like seqan3::detail::required_types, but recursive. More...
struct  recursive_required_types< t >
 Like seqan3::detail::required_types, but recursive. More...
struct  repeat_fn
 View factory definition for views::repeat. More...
struct  repeat_n_fn
 The underlying type of seqan3::views::repeat_n. More...
class  repeat_view
 The type returned by seqan3::views::repeat. More...
struct  required_types
 A seqan3::type_list with types that the given type depends on. More...
struct  required_types< t >
 A seqan3::type_list with types that the given type depends on. [specialisation for seqan3::alphabet_variant and derivates of seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base]. More...
class  reverse_fm_index
 An FM Index specialisation that handles reversing the given text. More...
struct  row_index_type
 A strong type for designated initialisation of the row index of a matrix. More...
class  safe_filesystem_entry
 A safe guard to manage a filesystem entry, e.g. a file or a directory. More...
struct  sam_file_input_format_exposer
 Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to read SAM records from the file. More...
struct  sam_file_output_format_exposer
 Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to write SAM/BAM records into the file. More...
class  score_matrix_single_column
 Score matrix for the pairwise alignment using only a single column. More...
class  scoring_scheme_policy
 The CRTP-policy that stores the scoring scheme used for this alignment algorithm. More...
struct  search
 Object storing information for a search (of a search scheme). More...
struct  search_configuration_validator
 Class used to validate the search configuration. More...
class  search_configurator
 Class used to update the search configuration, e.g. add defaults. More...
struct  search_dyn
 Object storing information for a search (of a search scheme). More...
struct  search_param
 Object grouping numbers of errors for different kind of error types. More...
class  search_scheme_algorithm
 The algorithm that performs a bidirectional search on a bidirectional FM index using (optimal) search schemes. More...
struct  search_traits
 A collection of traits extracted from the search configuration. More...
struct  select_types_with_ids
 Exposes a subset of types as a seqan3::type_list selected based on their IDs. More...
struct  selector
 The same as std::conditional but for template template parameters. More...
struct  sequence_file_input_format_exposer
 Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to read sequence records from the file. More...
struct  sequence_file_output_format_exposer
 Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to write sequence records into the file. More...
class  simd_affine_gap_policy
 The CRTP-policy that computes a batch of cells in the alignment matrix using simd instructions. More...
class  simd_find_optimum_policy
 The CRTP-policy to determine the optimum of the dynamic programming matrix. More...
struct  simd_global_alignment_state
 A state that is only used for global alignments. More...
class  simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme
 A vectorised scoring scheme handling matches and mismatches only. More...
class  simd_matrix_scoring_scheme
 A vectorised scoring scheme to handle scoring matrices using gather strategy. More...
class  single_pass_input_view
 Adds single_pass_input behavior to the underlying range. More...
struct  slice_fn
 View adaptor definition for views::slice. More...
class  spin_delay
 A delay for threads waiting for a shared resource. More...
struct  stream_buffer_exposer
 Functionally the same as std::basic_streambuf<char_t, traits_t_>, but exposes protected members as public. More...
class  strong_type
 CRTP base class to declare a strong typedef for a regular type to avoid ambiguous parameter settings in function calls. More...
struct  structure_file_input_format_exposer
 Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to read structure records from the file. More...
struct  structure_file_output_format_exposer
 Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to write structure records into the file. More...
struct  take_exactly_fn
 View adaptor definition for views::take and views::take_or_throw. More...
struct  take_until_fn
 View adaptor definition for detail::take_until and detail::take_until_or_throw. More...
struct  to_fn
 Function object to convert a std::ranges::input_range to a fully defined container. More...
struct  to_simd_fn
 views::to_simd's range adaptor closure object type. More...
struct  to_template_template_fn
 Similar to to_fn, but accepts a template-template as argument, e.g.: to_fn<vector> instead of to_fn<vector<int>>. More...
class  trace_iterator
 A trace iterator an unbanded trace matrix. More...
class  trace_iterator_banded
 A trace iterator for banded trace matrices. More...
class  trace_iterator_base
 A CRTP-base class for trace iterator implementations for the alignment algorithms. More...
class  trace_matrix_full
 Trace matrix for the pairwise alignment using the full trace matrix. More...
struct  transfer_template_args_onto< source_template< source_arg_types... >, target_template >
 Extracts a type template's type arguments and specialises another template with them. More...
struct  transfer_template_vargs_onto< source_template< source_varg_types... >, target_template >
 Extracts a type template's non-type arguments and specialises another template with them. More...
struct  transfer_type_modifier_onto
 Transfers the type modifier &, && and const (and any combination) to the target type. More...
struct  translate_fn
 Definition of the range adaptor object type for seqan3::views::translate and seqan3::views::translate_single. More...
struct  translate_join_fn
 Definition of the range adaptor object type for seqan3::views::translate_join. More...
struct  translation_table
 Generic translation table for canonical genetic code. More...
struct  translation_table< dna15, seqan3::genetic_code::canonical, void_type >
 Translation table for canonical genetic code and dna15 alphabet. More...
struct  trim_fn
 The underlying type of seqan3::views::trim_quality. More...
struct  tuple_type_list
 Transformation trait to expose the tuple element types as seqan3::type_list. More...
class  two_dimensional_matrix
 A two dimensional matrix used inside of alignment algorithms. More...
interface  two_dimensional_matrix_iterator
 A concept for iterators over a two dimensional matrix, e.g. seqan3::detail::two_dimensional_matrix. More...
class  two_dimensional_matrix_iterator_base
 A crtp-base class for iterators over seqan3::detail::two_dimensional_matrix. More...
struct  type_list_expander< type_list_t< args_t... > >
 Helper class to invoke a meta algorithm on the types contained in a seqan3::type_list. More...
class  type_reduce_fn
 View adaptor definition for views::type_reduce. More...
struct  unaligned_seq
 Default transformation trait that shall expose the unaligned sequence type of t when specialised. More...
struct  unaligned_seq< t >
 Exposes the unaligned sequence type given an aligned sequence container type. More...
class  unidirectional_search_algorithm
 The algorithm that performs a unidirectional search on an FM index using trivial backtracking. More...
struct  valid_template_spec_or
 Exposes templ_t<spec_t...> if that is valid, otherwise fallback_t. More...
struct  valid_template_spec_or< fallback_t, templ_t, spec_t... >
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
class  validator_chain_adaptor
 A helper struct to chain validators recursively via the pipe operator. More...
struct  variant_from_tags
 Base class to deduce the std::variant type from format tags. More...
struct  variant_from_tags< type_list< ts... >, output_t >
 Transfers a list of format tags (...ts) onto a std::variant by specialising output_t with each. More...
class  version_checker
 A functor whose operator() performs the server http request and version checks. More...
class  view_enforce_random_access
 View to force random access range iterator for seqan3::pseudo_random_access_range. More...
struct  view_equality_fn
 Comparator that is able two compare two views. More...
class  view_interleave
 The type returned by seqan3::views::interleave. More...
class  view_take_exactly
 The type returned by seqan3::views::take, seqan3::detail::take_exactly and seqan3::detail::take_exactly_or_throw. More...
class  view_take_until
 The type returned by seqan3::detail::take_until and seqan3::detail::take_until_or_throw. More...
class  view_to_simd
 Transforms a range of ranges into chunks of seqan3::simd vectors. More...
class  view_translate
 The return type of seqan3::views::translate. More...
class  view_translate_join
 The return type of seqan3::views::translate_join. More...
class  view_translate_single
 The return type of seqan3::views::translate_single. More...
struct  weakly_equality_comparable_with_
 'Callable' helper class that is invokable by meta::invoke.Returns a std::true_type if the type is weakly equality comparable to T. More...
struct  weakly_equality_comparable_with_trait
 Binary type trait that behaves like the seqan3::detail::weakly_equality_comparable_with concept. More...
struct  weakly_ordered_with_
 'Callable' helper class that is invokable by meta::invoke.Returns a std::true_type if the type is comparable via <,<=,>,>= to T. More...
struct  weakly_ordered_with_trait
 Binary type trait that behaves like the seqan3::detail::weakly_ordered_with concept. More...
struct  writer_count
 A strong type to set the writer count of a seqan3::detail::reader_writer_manager. More...
struct  zstd_compression
 A tag signifying a zstd compressed file. More...


concept  debug_stream_range_guard
 A helper concept definition for ranges that can be streamed to the seqan3::debug_stream.
concept  boxable
 Helper concept for seqan3::detail::copyable_wrapper.
concept  fields_specialisation
 Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a specialisation of seqan3::fields.
concept  type_list_of_sam_file_input_formats
 Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sam_file_input_format.
concept  type_list_of_sam_file_output_formats
 Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sam_file_output_format.
concept  type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats
 Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_input_format.
concept  type_list_of_sequence_file_output_formats
 Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_output_format.
concept  type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats
 Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_input_format.
concept  type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats
 Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_output_format.


template<std::ranges::range rng_t>
using all_t = decltype(all(std::declval< rng_t >()))
 Returns the type that results from appying seqan3::detail::all to a range.
using compression_formats = pack_traits::drop_front< void >
 A seqan3::type_list containing the available compression formats.
template<typename t >
using copyable_wrapper_t = copyable_wrapper< std::remove_reference_t< t > >
 Utility transformation trait to get a wrapper type that models std::copyable.
template<typename scalar_t , size_t length>
using default_simd_backend = builtin_simd< scalar_t, length >
 seqan3::detail::default_simd_backend is the default used implementation of seqan3::simd::simd_type.
template<typename t , typename... dependent_ts>
using deferred_type_t = typename deferred_type< t, dependent_ts... >::type
 Return the type identity; further arguments are ignored, but can make this type dependent if they are (transformation_trait shortcut).
template<bool enable_policy, template< typename... > typename policy_t, typename edit_traits , typename derived_t >
using edit_distance_base = invoke_deferred_crtp_base< deferred_crtp_base< selector< enable_policy, policy_t, empty_state >::template select, edit_traits >, derived_t >
 A base class for edit_distance_unbanded.
template<bool enabled, typename state_t >
using enable_state_t = std::conditional_t< enabled, state_t, empty_state< state_t > >
 If enabled is true state_t will be added to state_type.
using ignore_t = std::remove_cvref_t< decltype(std::ignore)>
 Return the type of std::ignore with const, volatile and references removed (type trait).
template<typename deferred_crtp_base_t , typename derived_t >
using invoke_deferred_crtp_base = typename deferred_crtp_base_t::template invoke< derived_t >
 Template alias to instantiate the deferred crtp base with the derived class.
template<typename it_t >
using iter_pointer_t = typename iter_pointer< it_t >::type
 Return the pointer type of the input type (transformation_trait shortcut).
template<typename it_t >
using iterator_concept_tag_t = std::conditional_t< std::contiguous_iterator< it_t >, std::contiguous_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::random_access_iterator< it_t >, std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::bidirectional_iterator< it_t >, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::forward_iterator< it_t >, std::forward_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::input_iterator< it_t >, std::input_iterator_tag, std::output_iterator_tag > > > > >
 Exposes the iterator_concept from the modelled concept.
using matrix_offset = matrix_index< std::ptrdiff_t >
 An offset type to move a matrix iterator in two-dimensional space.
template<bool const_range, typename range_t >
using maybe_const_iterator_t = std::ranges::iterator_t< maybe_const_range_t< const_range, range_t > >
 Returns the const iterator of range_t if const_range is true; otherwise the non-const iterator.
template<bool const_range, typename range_t >
using maybe_const_range_t = std::conditional_t< const_range, range_t const, range_t >
 Makes range_t const if const_range is true; otherwise keeps range_t as is.
template<bool const_v, typename range_t >
using maybe_const_sentinel_t = std::ranges::sentinel_t< maybe_const_range_t< const_v, range_t > >
 Returns the const sentinel of range_t if const_range is true; otherwise the non-const sentinel.
template<uint64_t value>
using min_viable_uint_t = std::conditional_t< value<=1ull, bool, std::conditional_t< value<=255ull, uint8_t, std::conditional_t< value<=65535ull, uint16_t, std::conditional_t< value<=4294967295ull, uint32_t, uint64_t > > > >
 Given a value, return the smallest unsigned integer that can hold it.
template<typename value_t >
using row_wise_matrix = two_dimensional_matrix< value_t >
 A matrix represented in a one-dimensional std::vector accessing the data in row-major-order.
using sam_tag_variant = std::variant< char, int32_t, float, std::string, std::vector< std::byte >, std::vector< int8_t >, std::vector< uint8_t >, std::vector< int16_t >, std::vector< uint16_t >, std::vector< int32_t >, std::vector< uint32_t >, std::vector< float > >
 std::variant of allowed types for optional tag fields of the SAM format.
using search_scheme_dyn_type = std::vector< search_dyn >
 Type for storing search schemes. Number of blocks do not have to be known at compile time.
template<uint8_t nbr_searches, uint8_t nbr_blocks>
using search_scheme_type = std::array< search< nbr_blocks >, nbr_searches >
 Type for storing search schemes. Number of blocks have to be known at compile time.
template<simd_index index_t>
using simd_matrix_coordinate = matrix_index< index_t >
 A coordinate type to access an element inside of a two-dimensional simd vector matrix.
template<typename type >
using strip_cereal_wrapper_t = type
 Removes type-mangling that Cereal does with certain types on loading.
template<typename t >
using strip_type_identity_t = std::conditional_t< is_type_specialisation_of_v< t, std::type_identity >, transformation_trait_or_t< t, void >, t >
 A transformation trait shortcut that returns the type inside a std::type_identity or the type itself.
template<typename source_type , template< typename... > typename target_template>
using transfer_template_args_onto_t = typename transfer_template_args_onto< source_type, target_template >::type
 Shortcut for seqan3::detail::transfer_template_args_onto (transformation_trait shortcut).
template<typename source_type , template< auto... > typename target_template>
using transfer_template_vargs_onto_t = typename transfer_template_vargs_onto< source_type, target_template >::type
 Shortcut for seqan3::detail::transfer_template_vargs_onto (transformation_trait shortcut).
template<typename type_t , typename default_t >
using transformation_trait_or = std::conditional_t< transformation_trait< type_t >, type_t, std::type_identity< default_t > >
 This gives a fallback type if type_t::type is not defined.
template<typename type_t , typename default_t >
using transformation_trait_or_t = typename transformation_trait_or< type_t, default_t >::type
 Helper type of seqan3::detail::transformation_trait_or (transformation_trait shortcut).
template<detail::tuple_size tuple_t>
using tuple_type_list_t = typename tuple_type_list< tuple_t >::type
 Helper type for seqan3::detail::tuple_type_list.
template<typename t >
using unaligned_seq_t = typename unaligned_seq< t >::type
 Helper type that delegates to seqan3::detail::unaligned_seq::type.
template<typename fallback_t , template< typename... > typename templ_t, typename... spec_t>
using valid_template_spec_or_t = typename valid_template_spec_or< fallback_t, templ_t, spec_t... >::type
 Helper for seqan3::detail::valid_template_spec_or (transformation_trait shortcut).


enum struct  advanceable_alignment_coordinate_state : uint8_t { advanceable_alignment_coordinate_state::none , advanceable_alignment_coordinate_state::column , advanceable_alignment_coordinate_state::row }
 Represents a state to specify the implementation of the seqan3::detail::advanceable_alignment_coordinate. More...
enum struct  align_config_id : uint8_t {
  align_config_id::band , align_config_id::debug , align_config_id::gap , align_config_id::global ,
  align_config_id::local , align_config_id::min_score , align_config_id::on_result , align_config_id::output_alignment ,
  align_config_id::output_begin_position , align_config_id::output_end_position , align_config_id::output_sequence1_id , align_config_id::output_sequence2_id ,
  align_config_id::output_score , align_config_id::parallel , align_config_id::result_type , align_config_id::score_type ,
  align_config_id::scoring , align_config_id::vectorised , align_config_id::SIZE
 An internal enum to check for a consistent configuration object. More...
enum class  error_type : uint8_t { error_type::deletion , error_type::insertion , error_type::matchmm , error_type::none }
 An enumerator for the different error types used during the backtracking. More...
enum struct  matrix_major_order : uint8_t { matrix_major_order::column , matrix_major_order::row }
 Selects the major order of the matrix. More...
enum struct  search_config_id : uint8_t {
  search_config_id::max_error_total , search_config_id::max_error_substitution , search_config_id::max_error_insertion , search_config_id::max_error_deletion ,
  search_config_id::on_result , search_config_id::output_query_id , search_config_id::output_reference_id , search_config_id::output_reference_begin_position ,
  search_config_id::output_index_cursor , search_config_id::hit , search_config_id::parallel , search_config_id::result_type
 Specifies an id for every configuration element. More...
enum struct  strong_type_skill {
  none = 0 , add = 1 << 0 , subtract = 1 << 1 , multiply = 1 << 2 ,
  divide = 1 << 3 , modulo = 1 << 4 , bitwise_and = 1 << 5 , bitwise_or = 1 << 6 ,
  bitwise_xor = 1 << 7 , bitwise_not = 1 << 8 , bitwise_lshift = 1 << 9 , bitwise_rshift = 1 << 10 ,
  logical_and = 1 << 11 , logical_or = 1 << 12 , logical_not = 1 << 13 , increment = 1 << 14 ,
  decrement = 1 << 15 , convert = 1 << 16 , comparable = 1 << 17 , additive = add | subtract ,
  multiplicative = multiply | divide | modulo , bitwise_logic = bitwise_and | bitwise_or | bitwise_xor | bitwise_not , bitwise_shift = bitwise_lshift | bitwise_rshift , logic = logical_and | logical_or | logical_not
 Enum class for all supported operations that can be added to a seqan3::detail::strong_type. More...
enum struct  trace_directions : uint8_t {
  trace_directions::none = 0b00000 , trace_directions::diagonal = 0b00001 , trace_directions::up_open = 0b00110 , trace_directions::up = 0b00100 ,
  trace_directions::left_open = 0b11000 , trace_directions::left = 0b10000 , trace_directions::carry_up_open = 0b00010 , trace_directions::carry_left_open = 0b01000
 The possible directions a trace can have. The values can be combined by the logical |-operator. More...


template<typename... elements_t>
constexpr auto all_elements_model_totally_ordered (seqan3::type_list< elements_t... >) -> std::bool_constant<(std::totally_ordered< elements_t > &&... &&true)>
 Helper type function to check for std::totally_ordered on all elements of the given tuple type.
template<typename type_list_t , typename unary_predicate_t >
requires template_specialisation_of<type_list_t, seqan3::type_list>
constexpr bool all_of (unary_predicate_t &&fn)
 Tests whether a given predicate evaluates to true for each type in a seqan3::type_list.
template<typename unary_predicate_t , typename... pack_t>
requires (std::predicate<unary_predicate_t, pack_t> && ...)
constexpr bool all_of (unary_predicate_t &&fn, pack_t &&... args)
 Tests whether a given predicate evaluates to true for each element in the function parameter pack.
template<typename structure_alph_type , typename bpp_type , std::ranges::range structure_type>
void bpp_from_rna_structure (bpp_type &bpp, structure_type const &structure, double weight=1.)
 Transforms a structure annotation string into a base pair probability matrix.
void call_server (std::string const &command, std::promise< bool > prom)
 Writes a timestamp file and performs the server call to get the newest version information.
template<std::unsigned_integral unsigned_t>
constexpr unsigned_t ceil_log2 (unsigned_t const n) noexcept
 Computes the ceil of the logarithm to the base of two for unsigned integers.
template<std::ranges::range rng_t>
 chunk_view (rng_t &&, std::ranges::range_difference_t< rng_t > const &) -> chunk_view< seqan3::detail::all_t< rng_t > >
 A deduction guide for the view class template.
std::vector< search_dyncompute_ss (uint8_t const min_error, uint8_t const max_error)
 Computes a (non-optimal) search scheme. Currently the generated search scheme represents trivial backtracking.
template<std::ranges::input_range rng_t>
constexpr void consume (rng_t &&rng)
 Iterate over a range (consumes single-pass input ranges).
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_eighth (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one eighth of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower eighth of the target vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_eighth_avx2 (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one eighth of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower eighth of the target vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_eighth_avx512 (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one eighth of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower eighth of the target vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_eighth_sse4 (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one eighth of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower eighth of the target vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_half (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one half of the given simd vector and stores the result in the lower half of the target vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_half_avx2 (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one half of the given simd vector and stores the result in the lower half of the target vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_half_avx512 (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one half of the given simd vector and stores the result in the lower half of the target vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_half_sse4 (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one half of the given simd vector and stores the result in the lower half of the target vector.
template<size_t divisor, simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_impl (simd_t const &src, uint8_t const mask)
 Helper function to extract a part of the given simd vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_quarter (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one quarter of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower quarter of the target vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_quarter_avx2 (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one quarter of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower quarter of the target vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_quarter_avx512 (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one quarter of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower quarter of the target vector.
template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t extract_quarter_sse4 (simd_t const &src)
 Extracts one quarter of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower quarter of the target vector.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t, size_t... I>
constexpr simd_t fill_impl (typename simd_traits< simd_t >::scalar_type const scalar, std::index_sequence< I... >) noexcept
 Helper function for seqan3::simd::fill.
template<std::unsigned_integral unsigned_t>
constexpr unsigned_t floor_log2 (unsigned_t const n) noexcept
 Computes the floor of the logarithm to the base of two for unsigned integers.
template<typename type_list_t , typename unary_function_t >
requires template_specialisation_of<type_list_t, seqan3::type_list>
constexpr void for_each (unary_function_t &&fn)
 Applies a function element wise to all types of a type list.
template<typename unary_function_t , typename... pack_t>
requires (std::invocable<unary_function_t, pack_t> && ...)
constexpr void for_each (unary_function_t &&fn, pack_t &&... args)
 Applies a function to each element of the given function parameter pack.
template<seqan3::aligned_sequence ref_seq_type, seqan3::aligned_sequence query_seq_type>
std::string get_cigar_string (ref_seq_type &&ref_seq, query_seq_type &&query_seq, uint32_t const query_start_pos=0, uint32_t const query_end_pos=0, bool const extended_cigar=false)
 Transforms an alignment represented by two seqan3::aligned_sequence's into the corresponding cigar string.
std::string get_cigar_string (std::vector< cigar > const &cigar_vector)
 Transforms a vector of cigar elements into a string representation.
template<field f, typename field_types , typename field_ids , typename or_type >
decltype(auto) get_or (record< field_types, field_ids > &r, or_type &&or_value)
 Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return or_value if not contained.
template<field f, typename field_types , typename field_ids , typename or_type >
decltype(auto) get_or (record< field_types, field_ids > const &r, or_type &&or_value)
 Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return or_value if not contained.
template<size_t i, typename or_type , typename... types>
decltype(auto) get_or (std::tuple< types... > &t, or_type &&or_value)
 Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return or_value if not contained.
template<size_t i, typename or_type , typename... types>
decltype(auto) get_or (std::tuple< types... > const &t, or_type &&or_value)
 Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return or_value if not contained.
template<field f, typename field_types , typename field_ids >
auto & get_or_ignore (record< field_types, field_ids > &r)
 Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return reference to std::ignore if not contained.
template<field f, typename field_types , typename field_ids >
auto const & get_or_ignore (record< field_types, field_ids > const &r)
 Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return reference to std::ignore if not contained.
template<size_t i, tuple_like tuple_t>
auto & get_or_ignore (tuple_t &t)
 Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return reference to std::ignore if not contained.
template<size_t i, tuple_like tuple_t>
auto const & get_or_ignore (tuple_t const &t)
 Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return reference to std::ignore if not contained.
unsigned get_terminal_width ()
 Retrieve size of terminal.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t, typename scalar_t , scalar_t... I>
constexpr simd_t iota_impl (scalar_t const offset, std::integer_sequence< scalar_t, I... >)
 Helper function for seqan3::simd::iota.
bool is_terminal ()
 Check whether we are printing to a terminal.
template<std::ranges::viewable_range rng_t>
 kmer_hash_view (rng_t &&, shape const &shape_) -> kmer_hash_view< std::views::all_t< rng_t > >
 A deduction guide for the view class template.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t load_avx2 (void const *mem_addr)
 Load simd_t size bits of integral data from memory.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t load_avx512 (void const *mem_addr)
 Load simd_t size bits of integral data from memory.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t load_sse4 (void const *mem_addr)
 Load simd_t size bits of integral data from memory.
std::string make_printable (char const c)
 Returns a printable value for the given character c.
template<builtin_character char_t>
auto make_secondary_istream (std::basic_istream< char_t > &primary_stream)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
template<builtin_character char_t>
auto make_secondary_istream (std::basic_istream< char_t > &primary_stream, std::filesystem::path &filename) -> std::unique_ptr< std::basic_istream< char_t >, std::function< void(std::basic_istream< char_t > *)> >
 Depending on the magic bytes of the given stream, return a decompression stream or forward the primary stream.
template<builtin_character char_t>
auto make_secondary_ostream (std::basic_ostream< char_t > &primary_stream, std::filesystem::path &filename) -> std::unique_ptr< std::basic_ostream< char_t >, std::function< void(std::basic_ostream< char_t > *)> >
 Depending on the given filename/extension, create a compression stream or just forward the primary stream.
template<std::ranges::viewable_range rng1_t, std::ranges::viewable_range rng2_t>
 minimiser_view (rng1_t &&, rng2_t &&, size_t const window_size) -> minimiser_view< std::views::all_t< rng1_t >, std::views::all_t< rng2_t > >
 A deduction guide for the view class template.
template<std::ranges::viewable_range rng1_t>
 minimiser_view (rng1_t &&, size_t const window_size) -> minimiser_view< std::views::all_t< rng1_t > >
 A deduction guide for the view class template.
template<typename... invocable_ts>
 multi_invocable (invocable_ts...) -> multi_invocable< invocable_ts... >
 Deduction guides for seqan3::detail::multi_invocable.
constexpr std::vector< cigarparse_cigar (std::string_view const cigar_str)
 Parses a cigar string into a vector of operation-count pairs (e.g. (M, 3)).
template<typename char_t , typename tuple_t , std::size_t... I>
void print_tuple (debug_stream_type< char_t > &s, tuple_t &&t, std::index_sequence< I... > const &)
 Helper function to print elements of a tuple separately.
auto range_wrap_ignore (ignore_t const &)
 If the argument is std::ignore, return an infinite range of std::ignore values.
template<std::ranges::input_range rng_t>
auto & range_wrap_ignore (rng_t &range)
 Pass through the reference to the argument in case the argument satisfies std::ranges::input_range.
template<template< typename... > typename container_type, template< typename... > typename allocator_type, typename seq_alph_t , typename... rest_t>
requires container<container_type<gapped<seq_alph_t>, allocator_type<gapped<seq_alph_t>>, rest_t...>>
constexpr auto remove_gap_from_value_type (container_type< gapped< seq_alph_t >, allocator_type< gapped< seq_alph_t > >, rest_t... >) -> container_type< seq_alph_t, allocator_type< seq_alph_t >, rest_t... >
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
template<template< typename... > typename container_type, typename seq_alph_t , typename... rest_t>
requires container<container_type<gapped<seq_alph_t>, rest_t...>>
constexpr auto remove_gap_from_value_type (container_type< gapped< seq_alph_t >, rest_t... >) -> container_type< seq_alph_t, rest_t... >
 Helper function to deduce the unaligned sequence type from an aligned sequence container.
template<typename search_scheme_t >
auto search_scheme_block_info (search_scheme_t const &search_scheme, size_t const query_length)
 Returns for each search the cumulative length of blocks in the order of blocks in each search and the starting position of the first block in the query sequence.
template<bool abort_on_hit, typename cursor_t , typename query_t , typename search_t , typename blocks_length_t , typename delegate_t >
bool search_ss (cursor_t cur, query_t &query, typename cursor_t::size_type const lb, typename cursor_t::size_type const rb, uint8_t const errors_spent, uint8_t const block_id, bool const go_right, search_t const &search, blocks_length_t const &blocks_length, search_param const error_left, delegate_t &&delegate)
 Searches a query sequence in a bidirectional index using a single search of a search schemes.
template<bool abort_on_hit, typename index_t , typename query_t , typename search_scheme_t , typename delegate_t >
void search_ss (index_t const &index, query_t &query, search_param const error_left, search_scheme_t const &search_scheme, delegate_t &&delegate)
 Searches a query sequence in a bidirectional index using search schemes.
template<bool abort_on_hit, typename cursor_t , typename query_t , typename search_t , typename blocks_length_t , typename delegate_t >
bool search_ss_children (cursor_t cur, query_t &query, typename cursor_t::size_type const lb, typename cursor_t::size_type const rb, uint8_t const errors_spent, uint8_t const block_id, bool const go_right, uint8_t const min_error_left_in_block, search_t const &search, blocks_length_t const &blocks_length, search_param const error_left, delegate_t &&delegate)
 Searches a query sequence in a bidirectional index using a single search of a search schemes. Sub-function for approximate search step (iterating over all children in a conceptual suffix tree).
template<bool abort_on_hit, typename cursor_t , typename query_t , typename search_t , typename blocks_length_t , typename delegate_t >
bool search_ss_deletion (cursor_t cur, query_t &query, typename cursor_t::size_type const lb, typename cursor_t::size_type const rb, uint8_t const errors_spent, uint8_t const block_id, bool const go_right, search_t const &search, blocks_length_t const &blocks_length, search_param const error_left, delegate_t &&delegate)
 Searches a query sequence in a bidirectional index using a single search of a search schemes. Sub-function for deletions at the end of a block.
template<bool abort_on_hit, typename cursor_t , typename query_t , typename search_t , typename blocks_length_t , typename delegate_t >
bool search_ss_exact (cursor_t cur, query_t &query, typename cursor_t::size_type const lb, typename cursor_t::size_type const rb, uint8_t const errors_spent, uint8_t const block_id, bool const go_right, search_t const &search, blocks_length_t const &blocks_length, search_param const error_left, delegate_t &&delegate)
 Searches a query sequence in a bidirectional index using a single search of a search scheme. Sub-function for searching the remaining part of the current block without any errors.
template<typename format_variant_type >
void set_format (format_variant_type &format, std::filesystem::path const &file_name)
 Sets the file format according to the file name extension.
template<std::ranges::forward_range ref_t, std::ranges::forward_range query_t>
requires std::equality_comparable_with<std::ranges::range_reference_t<ref_t>, std::ranges::range_reference_t<query_t>>
bool starts_with (ref_t &&reference, query_t &&query)
 Check whether the query range is a prefix of the reference range.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr void store_avx2 (void *mem_addr, simd_t const &simd_vec)
 Store simd_t size bits of integral data into memory.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr void store_avx512 (void *mem_addr, simd_t const &simd_vec)
 Store simd_t size bits of integral data into memory.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr void store_sse4 (void *mem_addr, simd_t const &simd_vec)
 Store simd_t size bits of integral data into memory.
template<typename char_t , tuple_like alignment_t, size_t... idx>
void stream_alignment (debug_stream_type< char_t > &stream, alignment_t const &align, std::index_sequence< idx... > const &)
 Create the formatted alignment output and add it to the provided debug_stream.
template<std::integral type>
constexpr type to_little_endian (type const in) noexcept
 Convert the byte encoding of integer values to little-endian byte order.
template<typename... value_type>
std::string to_string (value_type &&... values)
 Streams all parameters via the seqan3::debug_stream and returns a concatenated string.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
void transpose_matrix_avx2 (std::array< simd_t, simd_traits< simd_t >::length > &matrix)
 Transposes the given simd vector matrix.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
void transpose_matrix_avx512 (std::array< simd_t, simd_traits< simd_t >::length > &matrix)
 Transposes the given simd vector matrix.
template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
void transpose_matrix_sse4 (std::array< simd_t, simd_traits< simd_t >::length > &matrix)
 Transposes the given simd vector matrix.
template<size_t beg, template< typename... > typename tuple_t, size_t... Is, typename... ts>
requires tuple_like<tuple_t<ts...>> && tuple_like<tuple_t<>>
constexpr auto tuple_split (tuple_t< ts... > &&t, std::index_sequence< Is... > const &idx)
 Helper function for seqan3::tuple_split.
template<size_t beg, template< typename... > typename tuple_t, size_t... Is, typename... ts>
requires tuple_like<tuple_t<ts...>> && tuple_like<tuple_t<>>
constexpr auto tuple_split (tuple_t< ts... > const &t, std::index_sequence< Is... > const &idx)
 Helper function for seqan3::tuple_split.
template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t upcast_signed (source_simd_t const &src)
 Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using signed extension of packed values.
template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t upcast_signed_avx2 (source_simd_t const &src)
 Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using signed extension of packed values.
template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t upcast_signed_avx512 (source_simd_t const &src)
 Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using signed extension of packed values.
template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t upcast_signed_sse4 (source_simd_t const &src)
 Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using signed extension of packed values.
template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t upcast_unsigned (source_simd_t const &src)
 Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using unsigned extension of packed values.
template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t upcast_unsigned_avx2 (source_simd_t const &src)
 Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using unsigned extension of packed values.
template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t upcast_unsigned_avx512 (source_simd_t const &src)
 Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using unsigned extension of packed values.
template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t upcast_unsigned_sse4 (source_simd_t const &src)
 Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using unsigned extension of packed values.
void update_alignment_lengths (int32_t &ref_length, int32_t &seq_length, char const cigar_operation, uint32_t const cigar_count)
 Updates the sequence lengths by cigar_count depending on the cigar operation op.
template<typename formats_t >
std::vector< std::stringvalid_file_extensions ()
 Returns a list of valid file extensions.
template<typename urng_t >
requires std::ranges::sized_range<urng_t> && std::ranges::random_access_range<urng_t> && nucleotide_alphabet<std::ranges::range_reference_t<urng_t>>
 view_translate (urng_t &&, translation_frames const) -> view_translate< std::views::all_t< urng_t > >
 Class template argument deduction for view_translate.
template<typename urng_t >
 view_translate_join (urng_t &&, translation_frames const =translation_frames{}) -> view_translate_join< std::views::all_t< urng_t > >
 Class template argument deduction for view_translate_join.
template<typename urng_t >
 view_translate_single (urng_t &&) -> view_translate_single< std::views::all_t< urng_t > >
 Class template argument deduction for view_translate_single with default translation_frames.
template<typename urng_t >
 view_translate_single (urng_t &&, translation_frames const) -> view_translate_single< std::views::all_t< urng_t > >
 Class template argument deduction for view_translate_single.
template<std::output_iterator< char > it_t>
constexpr void write_eol (it_t &it, bool const add_cr)
 Write "\n" or "\r\n" to the stream iterator, depending on arguments.
Type deduction guides
 alignment_result_value_type () -> alignment_result_value_type< std::nullopt_t *, std::nullopt_t *, std::nullopt_t * >
 Type deduction for an empty object. It will always fail the compilation, if any field is accessed.
template<typename sequence1_id_t , typename sequence2_id_t , typename score_t >
 alignment_result_value_type (sequence1_id_t, sequence2_id_t, score_t) -> alignment_result_value_type< sequence1_id_t, sequence2_id_t, score_t >
 Type deduction for id and score only.
template<typename sequence1_id_t , typename sequence2_id_t , typename score_t , typename end_positions_t >
 alignment_result_value_type (sequence1_id_t, sequence2_id_t, score_t, end_positions_t) -> alignment_result_value_type< sequence1_id_t, sequence2_id_t, score_t, end_positions_t >
 Type deduction for id, score and end positions.
template<typename sequence1_id_t , typename sequence2_id_t , typename score_t , typename end_positions_t , typename begin_positions_t >
 alignment_result_value_type (sequence1_id_t, sequence2_id_t, score_t, end_positions_t, begin_positions_t) -> alignment_result_value_type< sequence1_id_t, sequence2_id_t, score_t, end_positions_t, begin_positions_t >
 Type deduction for id, score, end positions and begin positions.
template<typename sequence1_id_t , typename sequence2_id_t , typename score_t , typename end_positions_t , typename begin_positions_t , typename alignment_t >
 alignment_result_value_type (sequence1_id_t, sequence2_id_t, score_t, end_positions_t, begin_positions_t, alignment_t) -> alignment_result_value_type< sequence1_id_t, sequence2_id_t, score_t, end_positions_t, begin_positions_t, alignment_t >
 Type deduction for id, score, end positions, begin positions and alignment.
template<std::ranges::viewable_range other_range_t>
 pairwise_combine_view (other_range_t &&range) -> pairwise_combine_view< std::views::all_t< other_range_t > >
 Deduces the correct template type from a non-view lvalue range by wrapping the range in std::views::all.


constexpr auto all = all_fn{}
 Returns a view that includes all elements of the range argument.
template<typename... elems>
constexpr bool all_model_aligned_seq = (aligned_sequence<elems> && ...)
 True, if each type models seqan3::aligned_sequence; false otherwise.
template<typename... elems>
constexpr bool all_model_aligned_seq< type_list< elems... > > = all_model_aligned_seq<elems...>
 True, if each type in the seqan3::type_list models seqan3::aligned_sequence; false otherwise.
template<typename type_t >
constexpr auto bits_of = min_viable_uint_v<CHAR_BIT * sizeof(type_t)>
 How many bits has a type?
template<typename algorithm_id_type >
constexpr std::array< std::array< void *, 0 >, 0 > compatibility_table {}
 Declaration of algorithm specific compatibility table.
constexpr std::array< std::array< bool, static_cast< uint8_t >(align_config_id::SIZE)>, static_cast< uint8_t >(align_config_id::SIZE)> compatibility_table< align_config_id >
 Declaration of algorithm specific compatibility table.
constexpr std::array< std::array< bool, static_cast< uint8_t >(search_config_id::SIZE)>, static_cast< uint8_t >(search_config_id::SIZE)> compatibility_table< search_config_id >
 Compatibility matrix to check how search configuration elements can be combined.
template<alphabet in_t, alphabet out_t>
constexpr std::array< out_t, alphabet_size< in_t > > convert_through_char_representation
 A precomputed conversion table for two alphabets based on their char representations.
template<typename t >
constexpr bool decays_to_ignore_v = std::is_same_v<std::remove_cvref_t<t>, ignore_t>
 Return whether the input type with const, volatile and references removed is std::ignore's type. (type trait).
template<typename scalar_t , template< typename, size_t > typename simd_backend_t>
constexpr auto default_simd_length
 seqan3::detail::default_simd_length returns the default length depending on the given scalar_t type, which is used in seqan3::simd::simd_type.
template<template< typename, size_t > typename simd_backend_t>
constexpr auto default_simd_max_length = 0u
 seqan3 auto-detects the maximum number of packable [u]int8_t types.
constexpr auto default_simd_max_length< builtin_simd >
 This function specializes seqan3::detail::default_simd_max_length for seqan3::detail::builtin_simd.
template<typename list_t >
constexpr bool has_member_file_extensions = false
 Helper function to determine if all types in a format type list have a static member file_extensions.
template<typename query_t >
constexpr bool has_type_valid_formats = false
 Helper function to determine if a type has a static member valid_formats.
template<typename builtin_simd_t >
constexpr bool is_builtin_simd_v = is_builtin_simd<builtin_simd_t>::value
 Helper variable to test whether a type is a simd builtin type.
template<typename type >
constexpr bool is_char_adaptation_v
 Whether a type is char, char16_t, char32_t or wchar_t (type trait).
template<typename t >
constexpr bool is_gapped_alphabet = false
 Helper variable to determine if an alphabet is gapped [default: false].
template<typename t >
constexpr bool is_gapped_alphabet< gapped< t > > = true
 Helper variable to determine if an alphabet is gapped, true for specialisations of seqan3::gapped.
template<typename builtin_simd_t >
constexpr bool is_native_builtin_simd_v = is_native_builtin_simd<builtin_simd_t>::value
 Helper variable to test whether a type is a native simd builtin type.
template<typename t >
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_sam_file_input_formats_v = false
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sam_file_input_format [default is false].
template<typename... ts>
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_sam_file_input_formats_v< type_list< ts... > > = (sam_file_input_format<ts> && ...)
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sam_file_input_format [overload].
template<typename t >
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_sam_file_output_formats_v = false
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sam_file_output_format [default is false].
template<typename... ts>
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_sam_file_output_formats_v< type_list< ts... > > = (sam_file_output_format<ts> && ...)
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sam_file_output_format [overload].
template<typename t >
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats_v = false
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_input_format [default is false].
template<typename... ts>
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats_v< type_list< ts... > >
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_input_format [overload].
template<typename t >
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_sequence_file_output_formats_v = false
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_output_format [default is false].
template<typename... ts>
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_sequence_file_output_formats_v< type_list< ts... > >
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_output_format [overload].
template<typename t >
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats_v = false
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_input_format [default is false].
template<typename... ts>
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats_v< type_list< ts... > >
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_input_format [overload].
template<typename t >
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats_v = false
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_output_format [default is false].
template<typename... ts>
constexpr bool is_type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats_v< type_list< ts... > >
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_output_format [overload].
template<typename type >
constexpr bool is_uint_adaptation_v
 Whether a type is uint8_t, uint16_t or uint32_t.
constexpr auto istreambuf
 A view factory that returns a view over the stream buffer of an input stream.
template<typename score_type >
constexpr score_type matrix_inf = std::numeric_limits<score_type>::max()
 A special score which represents infinity.
template<uint64_t value>
constexpr auto min_viable_uint_v = static_cast<min_viable_uint_t<value>>(value)
 Given a value, cast the value as the smallest unsigned integer that can hold it.
template<uint8_t min_error, uint8_t max_error>
constexpr int optimum_search_scheme {0}
 Search scheme that is optimal in the running time for the specified lower and upper error bound.
template<std::ranges::range rng_t, typename char_t >
constexpr bool reference_type_is_streamable_v = false
 Helper template variable that checks if the reference type of a range can be streamed into an instance of seqan3::debug_stream_type .
constexpr char sam_tag_type_char [12] = {'A', 'i', 'f', 'Z', 'H', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'B'}
 Each SAM tag type char identifier. Index corresponds to the seqan3::detail::sam_tag_variant types.
constexpr char sam_tag_type_char_extra [12] = {'\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', 'c', 'C', 's', 'S', 'i', 'I', 'f'}
 Each types SAM tag type extra char id. Index corresponds to the seqan3::detail::sam_tag_variant types.
template<typename int_t >
constexpr size_t size_in_values_v
 Return the number of values an integral type can have, i.e. the difference between min and max.
constexpr auto take_exactly
 A view adaptor that returns the first size elements from the underlying range (or less if the underlying range is shorter); also provides size information.
constexpr auto take_exactly_or_throw
 A view adaptor that returns the first size elements from the underlying range and also exposes size information; throws if the underlying range is smaller than size.
constexpr auto take_line = detail::take_until_and_consume(is_char<'\r'> || is_char<'\n'>)
 A view adaptor that returns a single line from the underlying range or the full range if there is no newline.
constexpr auto take_line_or_throw = detail::take_until_or_throw_and_consume(is_char<'\r'> || is_char<'\n'>)
 A view adaptor that returns a single line from the underlying range (throws if there is no end-of-line).
constexpr auto take_until
 A view adaptor that returns elements from the underlying range until the functor evaluates to true (or the end of the underlying range is reached).
constexpr auto take_until_and_consume
 A view adaptor that returns elements from the underlying range until the functor evaluates to true (or the end of the underlying range is reached and consumes the end in single-pass ranges).
constexpr auto take_until_or_throw
 A view adaptor that returns elements from the underlying range until the functor evaluates to true (throws if the end of the underlying range is reached).
constexpr auto take_until_or_throw_and_consume
 A view adaptor that returns elements from the underlying range until the functor evaluates to true (throws if the end of the underlying range is reached and consumes the end in single-pass ranges).
template<typename char_type >
constexpr std::array< char_type, detail::size_in_values_v< char_type > > to_lower_table
 Auxiliary table for seqan3::to_lower.
template<typename char_type >
constexpr std::array< char_type, detail::size_in_values_v< char_type > > to_upper_table
 Auxiliary table for seqan3::to_upper.
template<typename lhs_t , typename tuple_derived_t , typename rhs_t , typename... component_types>
constexpr bool tuple_eq_guard
 Prevents wrong instantiations of seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base's equality comparison operators.
template<typename tuple_derived_t , typename rhs_t , typename... component_types>
constexpr bool tuple_general_guard
 Prevents wrong instantiations of seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base's equality comparison operators.
template<typename lhs_t , typename tuple_derived_t , typename rhs_t , typename... component_types>
constexpr bool tuple_order_guard
 Prevents wrong instantiations of seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base's ordered comparison operators.
template<typename type >
std::string const type_name_as_string
 Defines the human-readable name of the given type using the typeid operator.
template<typename lhs_t , typename rhs_t , bool lhs_rhs_switched, typename... alternative_types>
constexpr bool variant_comparison_guard
 Prevents wrong instantiations of std::alphabet_variant's comparison operators.
template<typename other_t , typename... alternative_types>
constexpr bool variant_general_guard
 Prevents wrong instantiations of std::alphabet_variant's constructors.

Detailed Description

The internal SeqAn3 namespace.

The contents of this namespace are not visible to consumers of the library and the documentation is only generated for developers.

See also

Function Documentation

◆ call_server()

void seqan3::detail::call_server ( std::string const &  command,
std::promise< bool >  prom 

Writes a timestamp file and performs the server call to get the newest version information.

[in]commandThe system command as a string. See seqan3::detail::version_checker::command for details.
[in]promA promise object used to track the detached thread which executes this command.

This function performs a https server request by executing a hard coded command (string) as a system call.

◆ extract_eighth_avx2()

template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::extract_eighth_avx2 ( simd_t const &  src)

Extracts one eighth of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower eighth of the target vector.

Template Parameters
indexAn index value in the range of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
simd_tThe simd type.
srcThe source to extract the eighth from.
A simd vector with the lower bits set with the respective eighth from src If the simd vector contains less than 8 elements, the unchanged source will be returned.

Only the first simd length / 8 elements are defined. The value of the remaining elements is implementation defined.

int main()
int16x8_t a{0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7};
int16x8_t b = seqan3::detail::extract_half<1>(a);
int16x8_t c = seqan3::detail::extract_quarter<1>(a);
int16x8_t d = seqan3::detail::extract_eighth<7>(a);
seqan3::debug_stream << b << '\n'; // [4,-5,6,-7,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << c << '\n'; // [2,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << d << '\n'; // [-7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
return 0;
Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types.
Provides seqan3::debug_stream overload for seqan3::simd::simd_type.
debug_stream_type debug_stream
A global instance of seqan3::debug_stream_type.
Definition: debug_stream.hpp:37
typename simd_type< scalar_t, length, simd_backend >::type simd_type_t
Helper type of seqan3::simd::simd_type.
Definition: simd.hpp:59
Meta-header for the Utility / SIMD submodule .

Example operation for SSE4:

i := index * 16
dst[15:0] := src[i+15:i]
This is the implementation for AVX2 intrinsics.

◆ extract_eighth_avx512()

template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::extract_eighth_avx512 ( simd_t const &  src)

Extracts one eighth of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower eighth of the target vector.

Template Parameters
indexAn index value in the range of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
simd_tThe simd type.
srcThe source to extract the eighth from.
A simd vector with the lower bits set with the respective eighth from src If the simd vector contains less than 8 elements, the unchanged source will be returned.

Only the first simd length / 8 elements are defined. The value of the remaining elements is implementation defined.

int main()
int16x8_t a{0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7};
int16x8_t b = seqan3::detail::extract_half<1>(a);
int16x8_t c = seqan3::detail::extract_quarter<1>(a);
int16x8_t d = seqan3::detail::extract_eighth<7>(a);
seqan3::debug_stream << b << '\n'; // [4,-5,6,-7,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << c << '\n'; // [2,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << d << '\n'; // [-7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
return 0;

Example operation for SSE4:

i := index * 16
dst[15:0] := src[i+15:i]
This is the implementation for AVX512 intrinsics.

◆ extract_eighth_sse4()

template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::extract_eighth_sse4 ( simd_t const &  src)

Extracts one eighth of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower eighth of the target vector.

Template Parameters
indexAn index value in the range of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].
simd_tThe simd type.
srcThe source to extract the eighth from.
A simd vector with the lower bits set with the respective eighth from src If the simd vector contains less than 8 elements, the unchanged source will be returned.

Only the first simd length / 8 elements are defined. The value of the remaining elements is implementation defined.

int main()
int16x8_t a{0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7};
int16x8_t b = seqan3::detail::extract_half<1>(a);
int16x8_t c = seqan3::detail::extract_quarter<1>(a);
int16x8_t d = seqan3::detail::extract_eighth<7>(a);
seqan3::debug_stream << b << '\n'; // [4,-5,6,-7,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << c << '\n'; // [2,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << d << '\n'; // [-7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
return 0;

Example operation for SSE4:

i := index * 16
dst[15:0] := src[i+15:i]
This is the implementation for SSE4 intrinsics.

◆ extract_half_avx2()

template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::extract_half_avx2 ( simd_t const &  src)

Extracts one half of the given simd vector and stores the result in the lower half of the target vector.

Template Parameters
indexAn index value in the range of [0, 1].
simd_tThe simd type.
srcThe source to extract the half from.
A simd vector with the lower bits set with the respective half from src If the simd vector contains less than 2 elements, the unchanged source will be returned.

Only the first simd length / 2 elements are defined. The value of the remaining elements is implementation defined.

int main()
int16x8_t a{0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7};
int16x8_t b = seqan3::detail::extract_half<1>(a);
int16x8_t c = seqan3::detail::extract_quarter<1>(a);
int16x8_t d = seqan3::detail::extract_eighth<7>(a);
seqan3::debug_stream << b << '\n'; // [4,-5,6,-7,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << c << '\n'; // [2,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << d << '\n'; // [-7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
return 0;

Example operation for SSE4:

i := index * 64
dst[63:0] := src[i+63:i]
This is the implementation for AVX2 intrinsics.

◆ extract_half_avx512()

template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::extract_half_avx512 ( simd_t const &  src)

Extracts one half of the given simd vector and stores the result in the lower half of the target vector.

Template Parameters
indexAn index value in the range of [0, 1].
simd_tThe simd type.
srcThe source to extract the half from.
A simd vector with the lower bits set with the respective half from src If the simd vector contains less than 2 elements, the unchanged source will be returned.

Only the first simd length / 2 elements are defined. The value of the remaining elements is implementation defined.

int main()
int16x8_t a{0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7};
int16x8_t b = seqan3::detail::extract_half<1>(a);
int16x8_t c = seqan3::detail::extract_quarter<1>(a);
int16x8_t d = seqan3::detail::extract_eighth<7>(a);
seqan3::debug_stream << b << '\n'; // [4,-5,6,-7,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << c << '\n'; // [2,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << d << '\n'; // [-7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
return 0;

Example operation for SSE4:

i := index * 64
dst[63:0] := src[i+63:i]
This is the implementation for AVX512 intrinsics.

◆ extract_half_sse4()

template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::extract_half_sse4 ( simd_t const &  src)

Extracts one half of the given simd vector and stores the result in the lower half of the target vector.

Template Parameters
indexAn index value in the range of [0, 1].
simd_tThe simd type.
srcThe source to extract the half from.
A simd vector with the lower bits set with the respective half from src If the simd vector contains less than 2 elements, the unchanged source will be returned.

Only the first simd length / 2 elements are defined. The value of the remaining elements is implementation defined.

int main()
int16x8_t a{0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7};
int16x8_t b = seqan3::detail::extract_half<1>(a);
int16x8_t c = seqan3::detail::extract_quarter<1>(a);
int16x8_t d = seqan3::detail::extract_eighth<7>(a);
seqan3::debug_stream << b << '\n'; // [4,-5,6,-7,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << c << '\n'; // [2,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << d << '\n'; // [-7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
return 0;

Example operation for SSE4:

i := index * 64
dst[63:0] := src[i+63:i]
This is the implementation for SSE4 intrinsics.

◆ extract_quarter_avx2()

template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::extract_quarter_avx2 ( simd_t const &  src)

Extracts one quarter of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower quarter of the target vector.

Template Parameters
indexAn index value in the range of [0, 1, 2, 3].
simd_tThe simd type.
srcThe source to extract the quarter from.
A simd vector with the lower bits set with the respective quarter from src. If the simd vector contains less than 4 elements, the unchanged source will be returned.

Only the first simd length / 4 elements are defined. The value of the remaining elements is implementation defined.

int main()
int16x8_t a{0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7};
int16x8_t b = seqan3::detail::extract_half<1>(a);
int16x8_t c = seqan3::detail::extract_quarter<1>(a);
int16x8_t d = seqan3::detail::extract_eighth<7>(a);
seqan3::debug_stream << b << '\n'; // [4,-5,6,-7,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << c << '\n'; // [2,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << d << '\n'; // [-7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
return 0;

Example operation for SSE4:

i := index * 32
dst[31:0] := src[i+31:i]
This is the implementation for AVX2 intrinsics.

◆ extract_quarter_avx512()

template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::extract_quarter_avx512 ( simd_t const &  src)

Extracts one quarter of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower quarter of the target vector.

Template Parameters
indexAn index value in the range of [0, 1, 2, 3].
simd_tThe simd type.
srcThe source to extract the quarter from.
A simd vector with the lower bits set with the respective quarter from src. If the simd vector contains less than 4 elements, the unchanged source will be returned.

Only the first simd length / 4 elements are defined. The value of the remaining elements is implementation defined.

int main()
int16x8_t a{0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7};
int16x8_t b = seqan3::detail::extract_half<1>(a);
int16x8_t c = seqan3::detail::extract_quarter<1>(a);
int16x8_t d = seqan3::detail::extract_eighth<7>(a);
seqan3::debug_stream << b << '\n'; // [4,-5,6,-7,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << c << '\n'; // [2,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << d << '\n'; // [-7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
return 0;

Example operation for SSE4:

i := index * 32
dst[31:0] := src[i+31:i]
This is the implementation for AVX512 intrinsics.

◆ extract_quarter_sse4()

template<uint8_t index, simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::extract_quarter_sse4 ( simd_t const &  src)

Extracts one quarter of the given simd vector and stores it in the lower quarter of the target vector.

Template Parameters
indexAn index value in the range of [0, 1, 2, 3].
simd_tThe simd type.
srcThe source to extract the quarter from.
A simd vector with the lower bits set with the respective quarter from src. If the simd vector contains less than 4 elements, the unchanged source will be returned.

Only the first simd length / 4 elements are defined. The value of the remaining elements is implementation defined.

int main()
int16x8_t a{0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7};
int16x8_t b = seqan3::detail::extract_half<1>(a);
int16x8_t c = seqan3::detail::extract_quarter<1>(a);
int16x8_t d = seqan3::detail::extract_eighth<7>(a);
seqan3::debug_stream << b << '\n'; // [4,-5,6,-7,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << c << '\n'; // [2,-3,0,0,0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << d << '\n'; // [-7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
return 0;

Example operation for SSE4:

i := index * 32
dst[31:0] := src[i+31:i]
This is the implementation for SSE4 intrinsics.

◆ get_or() [1/3]

template<field f, typename field_types , typename field_ids , typename or_type >
decltype(auto) seqan3::detail::get_or ( record< field_types, field_ids > const &  r,
or_type &&  or_value 

Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return or_value if not contained.

◆ get_or() [2/3]

template<size_t i, typename or_type , typename... types>
decltype(auto) seqan3::detail::get_or ( std::tuple< types... > &  t,
or_type &&  or_value 

Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return or_value if not contained.

◆ get_or() [3/3]

template<size_t i, typename or_type , typename... types>
decltype(auto) seqan3::detail::get_or ( std::tuple< types... > const &  t,
or_type &&  or_value 

Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return or_value if not contained.

◆ get_or_ignore() [1/3]

template<field f, typename field_types , typename field_ids >
auto const & seqan3::detail::get_or_ignore ( record< field_types, field_ids > const &  r)

Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return reference to std::ignore if not contained.

◆ get_or_ignore() [2/3]

template<size_t i, tuple_like tuple_t>
auto & seqan3::detail::get_or_ignore ( tuple_t &  t)

Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return reference to std::ignore if not contained.

◆ get_or_ignore() [3/3]

template<size_t i, tuple_like tuple_t>
auto const & seqan3::detail::get_or_ignore ( tuple_t const &  t)

Access an element in a std::tuple or seqan3::record; return reference to std::ignore if not contained.

◆ get_terminal_width()

unsigned seqan3::detail::get_terminal_width ( )

Retrieve size of terminal.

The width of the current terminal in number of characters.

Note: Only works on Linux/Unix. TIOCGWINSZ is the command (number) to trigger filling the winsize struct. STDOUT_FILENO is the default file descriptor (STDOUT_FILENO == fileno(stdout)).

◆ is_terminal()

bool seqan3::detail::is_terminal ( )

Check whether we are printing to a terminal.

True if code is run in a terminal, false otherwise.

◆ load_avx2()

template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::load_avx2 ( void const *  mem_addr)

Load simd_t size bits of integral data from memory.

Template Parameters
simd_tThe simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept.
[in]mem_addrThe memory address to load from. Does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary.
int main()
std::vector<uint16_t> memory{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
uint16x8_t a = seqan3::simd::load<uint16x8_t>(;
seqan3::debug_stream << a << '\n'; // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
return 0;
This is the implementation for AVX2 intrinsics.

◆ load_avx512()

template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::load_avx512 ( void const *  mem_addr)

Load simd_t size bits of integral data from memory.

Template Parameters
simd_tThe simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept.
[in]mem_addrThe memory address to load from. Does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary.
int main()
std::vector<uint16_t> memory{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
uint16x8_t a = seqan3::simd::load<uint16x8_t>(;
seqan3::debug_stream << a << '\n'; // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
return 0;
This is the implementation for AVX512 intrinsics.

◆ load_sse4()

template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr simd_t seqan3::detail::load_sse4 ( void const *  mem_addr)

Load simd_t size bits of integral data from memory.

Template Parameters
simd_tThe simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept.
[in]mem_addrThe memory address to load from. Does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary.
int main()
std::vector<uint16_t> memory{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
uint16x8_t a = seqan3::simd::load<uint16x8_t>(;
seqan3::debug_stream << a << '\n'; // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
return 0;
This is the implementation for SSE4 intrinsics.

◆ store_avx2()

template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr void seqan3::detail::store_avx2 ( void *  mem_addr,
simd_t const &  simd_vec 

Store simd_t size bits of integral data into memory.

Template Parameters
simd_tThe simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept.
[in]mem_addrThe memory address to write to. Does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary.
[in]simd_vecThe simd vector to read the data from.
int main()
uint16x8_t a = seqan3::simd::iota<uint16x8_t>(0);
seqan3::simd::store(, a);
seqan3::debug_stream << memory << '\n'; // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
return 0;
constexpr void store(void *mem_addr, simd_t const &simd_vec)
Store simd_t size bits of integral data into memory.
Definition: algorithm.hpp:377
seqan3::simd::simd_traits is the trait class that provides uniform interface to the properties of sim...
Definition: simd_traits.hpp:41
This is the implementation for AVX2 intrinsics.

◆ store_avx512()

template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr void seqan3::detail::store_avx512 ( void *  mem_addr,
simd_t const &  simd_vec 

Store simd_t size bits of integral data into memory.

Template Parameters
simd_tThe simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept.
[in]mem_addrThe memory address to write to. Does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary.
[in]simd_vecThe simd vector to read the data from.
int main()
uint16x8_t a = seqan3::simd::iota<uint16x8_t>(0);
seqan3::simd::store(, a);
seqan3::debug_stream << memory << '\n'; // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
return 0;
This is the implementation for AVX512 intrinsics.

◆ store_sse4()

template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
constexpr void seqan3::detail::store_sse4 ( void *  mem_addr,
simd_t const &  simd_vec 

Store simd_t size bits of integral data into memory.

Template Parameters
simd_tThe simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept.
[in]mem_addrThe memory address to write to. Does not need to be aligned on any particular boundary.
[in]simd_vecThe simd vector to read the data from.
int main()
uint16x8_t a = seqan3::simd::iota<uint16x8_t>(0);
seqan3::simd::store(, a);
seqan3::debug_stream << memory << '\n'; // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
return 0;
This is the implementation for SSE4 intrinsics.

◆ stream_alignment()

template<typename char_t , tuple_like alignment_t, size_t... idx>
void seqan3::detail::stream_alignment ( debug_stream_type< char_t > &  stream,
alignment_t const &  align,
std::index_sequence< idx... > const &   

Create the formatted alignment output and add it to the provided debug_stream.

Template Parameters
alignment_tThe type of the alignment; must model seqan3::tuple_like.
idxAn index sequence.
[in]streamThe output stream that receives the formatted alignment.
[in]alignThe alignment that shall be streamed.

◆ to_string()

template<typename... value_type>
std::string seqan3::detail::to_string ( value_type &&...  values)

Streams all parameters via the seqan3::debug_stream and returns a concatenated string.

Template Parameters
value_typeMust be streamable (stream << value).
[in]valuesVariable number of parameters of any type that implement the stream operator.
A concatenated string of all values (no separator in between is added).

◆ transpose_matrix_avx2()

template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
void seqan3::detail::transpose_matrix_avx2 ( std::array< simd_t, simd_traits< simd_t >::length > &  matrix)

Transposes the given simd vector matrix.

Template Parameters
simd_tThe simd vector type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a simd built-in type.
[in,out]matrixThe matrix that is transposed in place.
#include <array>
int main()
{uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}, uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}, uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}, uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}}};
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[0] << '\n'; // [0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[1] << '\n'; // [1,1,1,1]
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[2] << '\n'; // [2,2,2,2]
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[3] << '\n'; // [3,3,3,3]
return 0;
Defines the requirements of a matrix (e.g. score matrices, trace matrices).
Definition: matrix_concept.hpp:61
constexpr void transpose(std::array< simd_t, simd_traits< simd_t >::length > &matrix)
Transposes the given simd vector matrix.
Definition: algorithm.hpp:423


Strong exception guarantee.



This is the implementation for AVX2 intrinsics.

◆ transpose_matrix_avx512()

template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
void seqan3::detail::transpose_matrix_avx512 ( std::array< simd_t, simd_traits< simd_t >::length > &  matrix)

Transposes the given simd vector matrix.

Template Parameters
simd_tThe simd vector type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a simd built-in type.
[in,out]matrixThe matrix that is transposed in place.
#include <array>
int main()
{uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}, uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}, uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}, uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}}};
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[0] << '\n'; // [0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[1] << '\n'; // [1,1,1,1]
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[2] << '\n'; // [2,2,2,2]
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[3] << '\n'; // [3,3,3,3]
return 0;


Strong exception guarantee.



This is the implementation for AVX512 intrinsics.

◆ transpose_matrix_sse4()

template<simd::simd_concept simd_t>
void seqan3::detail::transpose_matrix_sse4 ( std::array< simd_t, simd_traits< simd_t >::length > &  matrix)

Transposes the given simd vector matrix.

Template Parameters
simd_tThe simd vector type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a simd built-in type.
[in,out]matrixThe matrix that is transposed in place.
#include <array>
int main()
{uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}, uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}, uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}, uint8x4_t{0, 1, 2, 3}}};
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[0] << '\n'; // [0,0,0,0]
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[1] << '\n'; // [1,1,1,1]
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[2] << '\n'; // [2,2,2,2]
seqan3::debug_stream << matrix[3] << '\n'; // [3,3,3,3]
return 0;


Strong exception guarantee.



This is the implementation for SSE4 intrinsics.

◆ tuple_split()

template<size_t beg, template< typename... > typename tuple_t, size_t... Is, typename... ts>
requires tuple_like<tuple_t<ts...>> && tuple_like<tuple_t<>>
constexpr auto seqan3::detail::tuple_split ( tuple_t< ts... > &&  t,
std::index_sequence< Is... > const &  idx 

Helper function for seqan3::tuple_split.

Template Parameters
begA template value containing the start position from where to extract the values.
tuple_tA template alias for a tuple like object.
...tsTypes tuple_t is specified with.
...IsIndices of the tuple elements that should be extracted.
[in]tThe original tuple to split.
[in]idxA std::index_sequence with all indices that should be extracted beginning at beg.
A new tuple with the extracted elements.

◆ upcast_signed_avx2()

template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t seqan3::detail::upcast_signed_avx2 ( source_simd_t const &  src)

Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using signed extension of packed values.

Template Parameters
target_simd_tThe target simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
source_simd_tThe source simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
[in]srcThe source to upcast into target_simd_t.
This is the implementation for AVX2 intrinsics.

◆ upcast_signed_avx512()

template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t seqan3::detail::upcast_signed_avx512 ( source_simd_t const &  src)

Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using signed extension of packed values.

Template Parameters
target_simd_tThe target simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
source_simd_tThe source simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
[in]srcThe source to upcast into target_simd_t.
This is the implementation for AVX512 intrinsics.

◆ upcast_signed_sse4()

template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t seqan3::detail::upcast_signed_sse4 ( source_simd_t const &  src)

Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using signed extension of packed values.

Template Parameters
target_simd_tThe target simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
source_simd_tThe source simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
[in]srcThe source to upcast into target_simd_t.
This is the implementation for SSE4 intrinsics.

◆ upcast_unsigned_avx2()

template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t seqan3::detail::upcast_unsigned_avx2 ( source_simd_t const &  src)

Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using unsigned extension of packed values.

Template Parameters
target_simd_tThe target simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
source_simd_tThe source simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
[in]srcThe source to upcast into target_simd_t.
This is the implementation for AVX2 intrinsics.

◆ upcast_unsigned_avx512()

template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t seqan3::detail::upcast_unsigned_avx512 ( source_simd_t const &  src)

Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using unsigned extension of packed values.

Template Parameters
target_simd_tThe target simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
source_simd_tThe source simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
[in]srcThe source to upcast into target_simd_t.
This is the implementation for AVX512 intrinsics.

◆ upcast_unsigned_sse4()

template<simd::simd_concept target_simd_t, simd::simd_concept source_simd_t>
constexpr target_simd_t seqan3::detail::upcast_unsigned_sse4 ( source_simd_t const &  src)

Upcasts the given vector into the target vector using unsigned extension of packed values.

Template Parameters
target_simd_tThe target simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
source_simd_tThe source simd type; must model seqan3::simd::simd_concept and must be a native builtin simd type.
[in]srcThe source to upcast into target_simd_t.
This is the implementation for SSE4 intrinsics.

Variable Documentation

◆ all_model_aligned_seq

template<typename... elems>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::all_model_aligned_seq = (aligned_sequence<elems> && ...)

True, if each type models seqan3::aligned_sequence; false otherwise.

Template Parameters
elemsThe pack of types to be tested.

◆ all_model_aligned_seq< type_list< elems... > >

template<typename... elems>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::all_model_aligned_seq< type_list< elems... > > = all_model_aligned_seq<elems...>

True, if each type in the seqan3::type_list models seqan3::aligned_sequence; false otherwise.

Template Parameters
elemsThe pack of types to be tested.

◆ tuple_eq_guard

template<typename lhs_t , typename tuple_derived_t , typename rhs_t , typename... component_types>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::tuple_eq_guard
Initial value:
(instantiate_if_v<lazy<weakly_equality_comparable_with_trait, rhs_t, component_types>,
std::same_as<lhs_t, tuple_derived_t>
&& tuple_general_guard<tuple_derived_t, rhs_t, component_types...>>
|| ...)
constexpr bool tuple_general_guard
Prevents wrong instantiations of seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base's equality comparison operators.
Definition: alphabet_tuple_base.hpp:36

Prevents wrong instantiations of seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base's equality comparison operators.

◆ tuple_general_guard

template<typename tuple_derived_t , typename rhs_t , typename... component_types>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::tuple_general_guard
Initial value:
(!std::same_as<rhs_t, tuple_derived_t>)&&(!std::same_as<rhs_t, alphabet_tuple_base<component_types...>>)&&(
!std::is_base_of_v<tuple_derived_t, rhs_t>)&&(!(std::same_as<rhs_t, component_types> || ...))
&& (!list_traits::contains<tuple_derived_t, recursive_required_types_t<rhs_t>>)

Prevents wrong instantiations of seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base's equality comparison operators.

◆ tuple_order_guard

template<typename lhs_t , typename tuple_derived_t , typename rhs_t , typename... component_types>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::tuple_order_guard
Initial value:
(instantiate_if_v<lazy<weakly_ordered_with_trait, rhs_t, component_types>,
std::same_as<lhs_t, tuple_derived_t>
&& tuple_general_guard<lhs_t, tuple_derived_t, rhs_t, component_types...>>
|| ...)

Prevents wrong instantiations of seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base's ordered comparison operators.

◆ variant_comparison_guard

template<typename lhs_t , typename rhs_t , bool lhs_rhs_switched, typename... alternative_types>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::variant_comparison_guard
Initial value:
lazy<weakly_equality_comparable_with_trait, rhs_t, alternative_types>,
(std::same_as<lhs_t, alphabet_variant<alternative_types...>>)&&(
variant_general_guard<rhs_t, alternative_types...>)&&!(lhs_rhs_switched
&& is_type_specialisation_of_v<rhs_t,
|| ...)

Prevents wrong instantiations of std::alphabet_variant's comparison operators.

◆ variant_general_guard

template<typename other_t , typename... alternative_types>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::variant_general_guard
Initial value:
(!std::same_as<other_t, alphabet_variant<alternative_types...>>)&&(
other_t>)&&(!(std::same_as<other_t, alternative_types> || ...))
&& (!list_traits::contains<alphabet_variant<alternative_types...>, recursive_required_types_t<other_t>>)
T is_base_of_v

Prevents wrong instantiations of std::alphabet_variant's constructors.